Today I’d like to share with you five words that will change your life.

You get the life you think about, talk about, and often when I say that in speeches or coaching I can tell that in some people resistance starts to build. (That’s fancy for: “I can tell people want to smack me on the head.”)

And I understand. There’s nothing worse when you aren’t feeling well than to have someone say “tell a different story!”. There’s nothing worse when you’re not sure how all the bills are going to get paid than to have someone say, “it’s because you keep thinking you have no money!”.

The bad news is, you are where you are on any subject in life because of the thoughts you have been having. Keep thinking those thoughts and get the same result.

So to change your life, you have to begin to tell a different story. It’s the only choice you have. >Tweet this! (In the video, I explain why.)

The good news is – and this is for all the naysayers out there who think Law of Attraction means wishful thinking – you don’t have to tell a b*llshit wishful thinking story in order to change your life.

The video below explains why this is so, and gives you the five words that can change your life if you put them to work. I use them all the time. They are like an escape hatch when I’m stuck in a vortex of negative thinking about a subject; they are a booster shot when I’m moving in the direction I want but uncertainty creeps in; they are, best of all, five words that will help you tell a different, better, story without dialling up the BS factor which always backfires anyway.

Try out these five words to change your life >Tweet this! and let me know the ways in which you are able to achieve success using them. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below.

TOOL: Now that you know these five words, think about the subjects that matter most to you where you’d like positive change and pick one. How many ways can you now talk in and around that subject – talking with your thoughts, talking to others aloud – using these five words? Spend a day telling your improved story using these five words, then repeat the process on a new subject the next day. 

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  • Related: 5 More Words To Change Your Life
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  • I like the idea of “marinating!” paints a great picture… i picture myself basting myself with my idea! oops! time to go in the oven! I like this idea very much!

    • Hi guys, I have no idea why the above comment came through as “Guest” – that was me posting an image from my journaling yesterday. Happy to report that my “I love the idea” helped as always!

  • I had to laugh this morning, when I caught myself using this technique without even thinking about it, while journaling 🙂

  • I really enjoy the simplicity & practicality of your words Shaun. I’m totally about staying positive and being grateful, but this proactive approach in my own evolution is something I’m going to add to the mix. I’m looking forward to seeing what manifests. Thank you!

    • Thanks Michelle. What “I like the idea of” manifests typically is the feeling of relief. As I say in my talks, the feeling is the manifestation. People think it’s going to be the car, the spouse, the job, the health, but those are just the byproducts that you attract once you’ve manifested the feeling that has a vibrational match to those things. And of course, that feeling is well-being / friskiness / joy / satisfaction / appreciation etc. As I say in the video, if you are so far from feeling that on a subject, these words work because they provide you with relief. If you have no money or you are upset with your partner, it is a true but better statement to say “I like the idea of my money problems being solved” or “I like the idea of a better day with Sue”. It’s just a slight shift up the dial and if you can stay in that vibrational place for a bit, you attract more thoughts that match and keep moving up the dial. So expect to manifest the feeling of relief on tough subjects; long answer to a question you didn’t even ask 🙂

      • Yes it was a long answer and a great one that I hope a lot of people read! Another thing I love about “I like the idea of”, is that keeps POSSIBILITY constantly alive in every situation 🙂

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