
The recent headlines around Jian Ghomeshi, which have caused outrage, discomfort, mistrust, and, of course, teeshirts, dovetail with what I intended to express this week: Tending to how you feel – your alignment – should always be your number one priority. >Tweet this! I explain why this is so in the video below – alignment no matter what.

Even if you are furious because your favourite radio host was fired. Even if you can’t abide by victim blaming. Even if your back goes up when some feminists attacked Ghomeshi before a word from his accusers had even surfaced. Even if rape culture enrages you. Even if all you want to do is cry “prove it!” from the rooftops. Even if BDSM is your thing and you feel it has been unjustly tainted by Ghomeshi’s crisis management team getting ahead of the story. Even if all this triggers things that once happened to you.

Don’t use any of it as your current excuse to vacate your place of empowerment. That’s where the solutions to everything that irks/frustrates/enrages you about this messy Ghomeshi stuff comes from. You want to really make a difference, no matter your stance in this? Stay in alignment. Alignment is where you find the words that express how you truly feel. The people with whom you could meet and make a difference. The inspiration, the conversation, the expansion… all of it depends on you staying in alignment – no  matter what.

Ever written an email when you are livid? Sent it? How did that work out, that out-of-alignment missive? Ever tried to look for a lost item when you feel rushed? How quickly did you find it? Ever tried to win an argument when the other side was trying to win the same argument? Who won?

That’s why you want to always nurture how you feel, your alignment. Because how you feel is your point of attraction. >Tweet this! When things Ghomeshi and you use things going messy as your justification to be out of alignment – he doesn’t suffer, she doesn’t suffer, they don’t suffer – YOU and your point of attraction suffers. You are not en pointe, you don’t have access to that which serves you and those around you, and certainly any solutions and rendezvous and circumstances you desire are nowhere near your orbit. (You might, like me, if you get too caught up in the Ghomeshi, even fight with your spouse.)

Yep, things went messy for me – a couple of times – since my last post.

In this video, I share these two messy experiences. The first I’ll lovingly call “My Nightmare” (god it left me feeling like an idiot); then I share the negative effect that marinating in the Jian Ghomeshi story as I was quickly had on my emotional set point.

I also share  how I got back into alignment after aforementioned “nightmare”, and if you watch the whole video you’ll see me literally – through talking to camera – arrive at the best feeling place I’ve been in since the messy Ghomeshi stuff started.

Since we can’t control circumstances, our only option is to control the thoughts we are having about them. None of us are any good to ourselves or those around us when we are out of alignment, which is why “get in alignment” must top our daily To Do list. Whether it is Ghomeshi or anything else messy, this video will show you that tending to your alignment isn’t as hard as it may sound; it just takes moments to make a difference.


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