Light – Heavy – Light. That is the theme of this week’s Shaun Proulx Show. Life may seem all light sometimes, like a “who cares, throw your hands up in the air” pop song, but then, inevitably, the heavy comes along; the “real life.” And when that happens, there are those people who get sucked down into the vortex of heavy and never climb out – and then there are those who push through until Friday and live to see light at the other side when the weekend comes.

We explore that idea this weekend on The Shaun Proulx Show when choreographer, Melissa JJ Moore explains how it was an email from strangers who found her dance show, “Light Heavy Light” to be life-changing. That caused her to bring it back to the stage next month. 

And then, special guest Kim Wheatley joins us. She is an Ojibwe Anishinaabe Grandmother from Shawanaga FirstNation Reserve who carries the spirit name Head or Leader of the Fireflower and is TurtleClan shares her Indigenous knowledge with us about perspective, hope, and conscious living in trying times.

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