Happy birthday to me!

I turned 50 last month (August 1st; meow) and wanted to do something to mark the milestone, but something special and out of the ordinary.

It was my cousin Sarah in England who suggested I try 50 New Things For 50 Years Old and immediately I knew her bit of genius was right for me. I like the idea of dialing up my life; I want to #KissLifeHarder each and every day. We never know when our days are over; tomorrow is not a promise. (That’s Sarah and I, lip-synching for our lives while struck in rainy traffic, in the video above – scroll to the top of the page. We were checking one of the first 50 New Things off my list: taking a road trip together.)

As I  continue to try 50 New Things over the next year, I invite you to join me and enjoy creating a richer, more rewarding and exciting life experience, too. What’s on YOUR list? By following in my footsteps and trying new things out too, you could win footwear from one of my favourite fashion-forward brands: Sorel. Check out our fun contest here and a big thank you to Sorel Canada for their generosity.

Oh! Also: I cheated. I started some New Things early in the year (the first, in February, and my road trip with Sarah was in March.) I was eager, what can I say?

And I’m still eager. For sure I can say 50 feels fantastic. The actual day-of in August was fairly quiet: pal Kevin and I bopped to The Beatles’ “Happy Birthday” at the stroke midnight as July became August, lovely Jeannot had been over earlier to cut/colour my hair (you don’t want to look anything but pretty on a milestone; well… ever) and at dinnertime my cousins took me to a goregeous meal and spoiled me. (Lily, age 8, removed the entire shell from my lobster for me, then cut the meat and actually fed it to me – so luxurious! It’s nice to eat hands-free – I could get used to it!)

First dinner of a super new decade, with my beloved cousins. Also, the waiter that night was very flirty with me.

Walking home that night, I considered the number 50.  Age is a mindset, and I feel like I still see the world through a child’s eyes, curiously figuring out my life. But here is one determination I’ve made about it: No matter what age you are, there’s no other way to live than to arrive at each birthday you are blessed to reach, knowing you’ve done all you can, in every year gone by, to live your best life. You want be regret-free; you want to have all the #ThoughtRevolutions it takes to overcome personal limits; you want to be courageous and always answer life’s call of “More?” with “YES effing please!”

Keep watching here on ShaunProulx.ca as I share my 50 New Things For 50 Years Old with you and I look forward to your shares about how you #KissLifeHarder, first: through our contest with Sorel.

Muah. xo

Sidebar: Sarah and I enjoyed a weekend in Brighton, England – once we finally parked! – a special place I longed to return to after my first visit only a year ago, when Visit Britain invited me to explore the treasure by the sea, and document my experience:

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