
Don’t you love a good life hack? (Rub a walnut on damaged wooden furniture to cover up dings.) Except life hands you more than annoying little problems like tangled electronic cords (use paper fasteners to separate them), it hands you annoying big problems like diverse people, upsetting behaviours and your own internal feelings.

Below are five of my favourite #ThoughtRevolution life hacks – they allow me to deal with common challenges we all face that once used to totally throw me out of alignment, which is when, unless you stop it, all hell breaks loose.

Here’s what to say – to yourself, in person, or in writing – when:

You need to be heard:

It’s important to me you understand ___________.

This always gets people’s attention and ensures they know what you are saying is serious.

You are dealing with unfriendly, mean or even vile people:

I wish for you a better day.

Anything less pulls you and your point of attraction down where the person lashing out is struggling (because their behaviour isn’t about you). I used this one a lot last week.

When you are nervous, afraid or anxious:

All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this experience only good will come – and I am safe.

Thank the godmother of metaphysics Louise Hay for that one. When I heard her say that on Oprah I memorized it and have used it more times than I can count. When my husband Patrick or I are worried or anxious, the other invariably sing-songs it and just hearing “All is well in my world” sung really poorly triggers a deep soothing and an even deeper knowing that everything is going to be just fine. And so it is.

When a doomsayer is spreading their gospel:

That might be true for you but it isn’t for me.

The doomsayer could be the guy in the cubicle next to you or the guy on the 6 o’clock news, they are everywhere. Some examples of doomsaying: “This economy sucks!” “What a crappy summer we’re having with all this rain!” “The flu is supposed to hit us hard this winter.” “You can’t make money as an artist.” “HIV comes with horrible struggles every day.” A day does not go by when I don’t say this one.

When you desire an improved situation about something important to you:

I like the idea of ______. (more on this one here)

Rather than complain about a person’s behaviour (“my boyfriend is a crap communicator!”) or a circumstance (“my client hasn’t paid me”) use these words to begin describing the way you’d like the situation you are in to be. They don’t negate what’s going on and they point your desire and thoughts towards solution. IE: “I like the idea of clients who pay on time.”

These hacks work because they have either a neutral or elevating effect on your vibration, your vibration being your set-point for what you are attracting. They don’t fan the flames of a negative situation, making it bigger, and they cancel out momentum; they’re high vibe so you so too, no matter what.

  • Related: What To Do When Things Ghomeshi
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