
Our ever-changing world changed faster when Paris, the city of love, was attacked last Friday. For many of us the aftermath energy feels similar to post 9/11.

We’ve been reminded there is much healing to do.

To do.

We felt and feel the need to do since the attacks.

(Or, as one friend put it flatly: “The pretty girl got beaten up this time – so now everyone’s upset,” referring to similar prior attacks on Beirut, Syria, Gaza that seem ignored but cannot be. We are all one and we must heal as one. So much healing to do.)

The desire to do grew so intense that by Saturday morning when Facebook began to offer a convenient one-click something to do, countless people did. Now, transparent versions of France’s flag are a more common sight than not atop profile pictures of millions, who wanted so very much to do.

Then my bold friend Jeff courted controversy on his Facebook timeline Saturday afternoon, when he dipped his toe into that water: “No disrespect to Paris but how does this flag show support? #slacktivism.”

Jeff’s sentiments and critique were echoed by The Simpsons ‘Ralph’, in an image gone viral, whose sarcasm speaks a thousand words:


Show of support… help … Does a flag on your face really do either?

Inarguably it is very moving to see the demonstration of strength in numbers, to let the world know we stand behind our brothers and sisters (in France, at least).

But does it actually do anything?

It does do something, but not what you may think. Definitely there’s energetic movement when millions of people suddenly wear the French flag “in support”.

But if the doing left you feeling unsatisfied, if it still doesn’t do enough for you, here’s why: That handy flag on your Facebook profile (slacktivism or not), pushes against that which is unwanted. And when you add energy to something, you get more of it, unwanted or wanted.

What is more important to know, though, is that a flag on your Facebook profile pic is a mere fraction of what we could really do, were we to take the love we felt when we clicked that click and dial it up to high.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. In any demonstration of us versus them – which is all the flag-on-face is – we deny the fact that the solution we want lies not in pitting one force against another, but by wrapping all forces in the light of love.

How do you do that?

Express love wherever you go. Set the intention:

Today, all day, and in fact every day, no matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intention to release the bounty of healing love I have within me, regardless of who I am with or what is going on.

As we express love, miracles occur. When you express love you witness effects that are maximal. The energy of love transforms because it moves through realms beyond human realms like time and space.

Every problem comes with a solution attached. The solution, regardless of the question, is always love.

Look at these events through the eyes of fear: Our world is falling apart.

Now look at these events through the eyes of love: We are being led somewhere.

Feel the difference? That feeling is love energy.

“I believe that what is happening right now is part of a Larger Process. It is a process by which humanity is being invited to re-define itself. We are about to decide who and how we are as a species—and to announce our decision through our thoughts, words, and actions. It is these choices that will be our declarations to the Universe; it is our demonstrations that will be our manifesto.” – Neal Donald Walsh

If you feel hate has gone viral, be a part of love gone viral.

We are, each of us, extensions of Source energy. Every thought we think, every prayer we pray, every word we speak heals or maims the world.

A phrase one hears attributed to terrorists is: We love death more than you love life.

Now is the time to love life and revel in the joy of how good that feels, while at the same time proving terror wrong.

Because we do love life more, don’t we?

This is not airy-fairy stuff. Positive people may often be dismissed as fluffy-brained, naive side-liners who put hash-tags like #ThoughtRevolution in all their posts. But we – you, if you have read this far – are the doctors and nurses and surgeons and caregivers in global healing.

We understand that being positive in a negative situation is not naive, it is leadership. >Tweetable

According to The Teachings of Abraham, (upon which all my #ThoughtRevolution work is based): “It is as easy to manifest a castle as it is to manifest a button.” In other words, there is no desire too big or too complicated for the Universe to respond to when you line up with the energy of love, which is the only energy the Universe is ever pulsating. The more of us who match up to it, the stronger and faster the solution will be.

“Everyone is worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: Stop participating in it.” – Noam Chomsky

Step away from the TV, put down your newspapers and tablets, and do something today that fills you with joy, that makes you feel gratitude for this now moment. Do it in honour of those attacked, do it so that terrorism isn’t winning by occupying your mind, thousands of miles away from the scene, winning. Feel joy today, feel blessed, live in this now moment.

“Why am I up here having dancing and having fun? When people are crying because of the loss of their loved ones? However: that is what these people want to do. They want to shut us up. They want to silence us. And we won’t let them.” – Madonna

Love is the answer as we address this now moment. A random act of kindness towards another person today, without taking credit, without telling your social media network you did it, is an excellent way to shift and alter the negative energy you might feel in light of the news from Paris. It is an excellent way to also alter the energy around you, to shine light into the darkness.

Love is the answer as we address the future: What if we stopped worrying whether or not children have memorized dates in history, or if they can solve mathematical equations that will be of little use in adult life? What if instead we taught them deep appreciation for diversity of ideas, cultures, and beliefs? What if children were taught to know their intrinsic worth and the limitless worth of all those around them? What if we taught children that it is diversity, not sameness, that is our friend, and that without others, you could not be you? What if we taught peace? Self-love? Love of our neighbours, especially love of all those not like us?

Love started with a click on Facebook to slide a flag over faces.

But that was so last week.

Now is the time to take the love we felt when we did that, and to understand that love is oh-so much more powerful than what we give it credit for.

Love is portable, it is malleable, it speaks all languages, and it is the only thing that lines us up with the Who We Really Are, which is what all this unrest is calling us to become.

Each day is new and ready for us to live it fully, with love. >Tweetable

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  • Related: Your Mic Is Always On
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