
While the rise of Donald Trump feels to millions like a terrifying moment in American politics, there are many ways in which The Donald Trump Experience offers some positives:

–  Donald Trump is making non-Republicans work harder.
–  Donald Trump is causing conversation and debate about important issues.
–  Donald Trump  is creating inspiring solidarity amongst cultures within America.

Still, millions of people feel stark raving mad over Donald Trump.

Are you one of them? If Donald Trump is causing you conniptions, is causing you to leave your alignment, it means that to some degree only you can really feel, you are not maintaining full control of your life experience.

Donald Trump is a litmus test. To what degree do you live your life deliberately versus by default?>Tweetable

Daily we get to choose what we focus on. Greater than any of our skills or talents is our ability to focus. We are powerful focusing mechanisms.

If Donald Trump is so under your skin you want to take thirty showers, it means you have been focusing so much on what you don’t want that you’re drawing to you more. For sure you hear more Donald Trump stories, you have more Donald Trump conversations and you see more of Donald Trump’s face than, say, me.

I limit negativity as much as I can from my experience (though it is the nature of living to offer up that which we call negative), so when it comes to Donald Trump, I manage it. I quietly delete stories if they pop up on my computer, and if I discuss him (one time thus far) it is as object of fascination, a positive. I don’t dwell in the rage he stirs up. And, because I don’t read or watch or listen to news media (and haven’t since 1999), I don’t bathe in Trump water nightly like millions choose to do.

What do you do when you experience something you don’t want? Do you focus on it harder? Or do you choose to focus elsewhere?

If you want a life of joy you must manage your experience. >Tweetable

You cannot be rilled up about Donald Trump and expect a good day. You cannot be pissed off about Donald Trump and expect to be at your best with your loved ones. You cannot be worried about what will happen if Donald Trump is elected President and feel empowered. Nothing should ever get you as upset as many people are about Donald Trump. If it does, it is the ultimate indicator that you have let go of the only true personal empowerment you have: your ability to focus elsewhere, to choose your thoughts.

Clearly I’m using Donald Trump as an analogy for any of the things we allow into our experience by focusing so hard on them all the time. When you give your attention to something, even if you shout no at it, the thing only grows. We don’t live in a no-based world, we live in a yes-based one. Your attention to anything is answered with a yes, is answered with more.

Substitute Donald Trump with whatever else you’re giving your attention to. Money. Relationships. Health. Home life. Work life. Are you allowing positive thoughts and conversations about these topics into your orbit, or do you marinate in ideas and chats with people that are often toxic?

You are allowed to walk away from the conversation. To turn the dial. You can change the thought snowballing in your head by deliberately choosing a new thought. You can reach for hope, you can talk about things in a way that give you the feeling of relief instead of worry. You can point out all the good that happened today over dinner. You can write down five things you are grateful for. You can take a social media break.

Or you can choose to turn on the TV before bed while scrolling through Facebook and note with dread what Donald Trump did today just as you snuggle in for your slumber.

Living deliberately or by default requires the same amount of effort. Where you put your focus is up to you.

I appreciate Donald Trump. He is doing many good things, depending on where you choose to focus.

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  • Related: Begin With Yes
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