
Greetings from London, my favourite city in the world. I’m here for a week speaking, writing, catching up with friends and family, and, on Saturday, attending a 50th birthday party.

Do you remember the 1998 movie about a London woman’s love life called Sliding Doors? It starred Gwyneth Paltrow as PR rep Helen, who gets fired from her job and leaves to catch a train home. Before she can step into her car, the doors slide shut in her face, and we then saw how Helen’s life played out because of missing that train. The movie also showed an parralel version of Helen’s life, had she caught the train as planned.

The two versions of Helen’s life are dramatically different – all because of mere seconds in timing.

Most of us don’t appreciate this divine timing as much as we ought to; what are missed elevators, flight delays, forgotten errands, cancelled brunches, early guests, anyway, but minor-to-major annoyances?

Divine timing is so much more than that. All day, every day, each of us are at the right time, in the right place – always. Oh we might acquiesce to the false premises of man-made concepts – time, schedules, agendas – about how we “think” life ought to unfold, but the Universe, which knows our every desire, and has the power to make them so, seldom gets enough credit. We get riled by life’s sliding doors, rather than say thank you for keeping us where we are meant to be.

Like the time I forgot my bathing suit.

In the #ThoughtRevolution video below, watch how one of my fondest desires came to be, even though I was frustrated and wound up because the day wasn’t beginning as planned.

I hope it serves as a reminder (it sure was to me) to relax, to let the Universe to the heavy lifting, and to remember that you’re always in the right time, right place.

Two quick things to know before you watch this:

1) I HATE LATNESS. I hate being late, I hate being kept waiting, I hate keeping others waiting. I’m a cold-sweat, stomach-knotted guy about this kind of thing.


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  • Related: Skinny Dipping 
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