I stop worry dead in its tracks by turning to one #ThoughtRevolution that is so familiar that I don’t even really have to summon it into my thoughts – it comes to me, like a true and trusted friend. As soon as I apply it, I’m filled with renewed strength, a healthy fuck-u / fuck-it / fuck-them feeling fills me, and instantly nothing / no one is more important than the better feelings I feel as my worry dies off.


It has served me well in stopping worry dead in its tracks – does worry have a heartbeat, a pulse… does it leave tracks? Worry definitely feels like a living breathing thing, and where our mental, emotional and spiritual health is concerned,  worry does leaves its mark – read on.


Many of us unconsciously believe that if we worry, we can prevent the unwanted from happening. Instead, we serve only to put our minds and bodies into a sort of overdrive when we worry about what “might happen.”

Worry interferes with our lifestyles when it gets chronic (which is the Law of Attraction drawing unto us more of what we are thinking, and therefore vibrating (vibration attracts vibration)). Sleep, relationships, appetite, performance at work can all go haywire.

Then, to quell our worry, many of us reach for something to self-medicate with: food, drugs, a cocktail, cigarettes, etc. and I’ve done all of the above at the same time before.

Stop worrying! Win shoes Instead! 

Excessive worrying can trigger health issues, by activating a fight or flight response within us, which causes the body’s sympathetic nervous system to release stress hormones such as cortisol. These hormones can boost blood sugar levels and triglycerides (blood fats) that can be used by the body for fuel. But when not used this way, these hormones also cause physical reactions like dizziness, tiredness, headaches, nausea, and loss of breath.  The outpouring of stress hormones can have more major physical consequences that range from short-term memory loss (I always know I have too much on my plate when I begin to forget simple things) to heart attacks. If excessive worry and high anxiety are not looked after, depression and even suicidal thoughts may occur.

We worry because we care. We want things to be “right.” But you can’t have things “right” if you are not a match to “right” by getting “right” yourself.


I’m not a doctor and the video above isn’t medical advice. I am merely sharing a #ThoughtRevolution that works for me – every time – to put things in perspective, pronto. Bottom line: it soothes me. And then, instead of attracting more to worry about from my vibrational point of “worrying” I attract things that soothe me. And once I’m soothed, I feel more ease, and I allow more in that feels like ease and flow. And then downstream I go.

I hope this tool helps you as much as it does me. Please see a medical professional if you are suffering from high anxiety and worry.


Got a share? Do it if you dare!

    • Hi Scott, thanks. I hear comments like yours when I share a #ThoughtRevolution on social media, or here or even in conversation and so I always follow my impulse to share the things I am telling myself in a hot moment because without fail, someone else needs to hear it too. I’m glad to be helpful. The above was mentioned on a walk with my dog this morning and my friend said, “You ought to share this with your audience,” and I knew he was right. Now, thanks to your comment, we’ve got proof. Have a worry-free weekend!

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