
And trust me, often that has been my reaction to all manner of slights (and I’ve lots more crazy within me, on reserve).

But I go there infrequently these days, having come to know something I wish was taught in school:

Our choice-point is now. >Tweetable

A game-changer.

“I’m having a hard time believing you’re so positive in your outlook ALL THE TIME,” Terry wrote in last week. “Not possible … when I read your sharing of shit that’s happened to you lately.”

Terry isn’t wrong. I’m not “so positive in my outlook” 100% of the time. (I LOL’d for real when I found the image above. Bat s**t crazy has been me to a T – lots.)

But I’m positive in my outlook 95% of the time.

No matter what comes my way.


Because your choice is now. Your choice, mine, ours. In every encounter, with every thought, with every word, with each person, each action, regardless of what is going on, your choice is now. How you think about something, the words you choose, how you react to someone or what they did, the actions you take? Your choice is now.

And if you know that, (and now you do) and yet make a choice to go bat s**t crazy, anyway? To me that’s downright dense (unless the crazy is over something beyond compare; most times it’s not). Because look at how quickly the Universe responds to our individual points of attraction about different subjects:

  • We don’t meet up with angry people by accident, we meet up with them because we are angry too.
  • We don’t rendezvous with debt because life hates us, we rendezvous with debt because we are choosing lack thoughts, talking lack talk. Your choice is now and you are choosing to complain about being broke instead of a simple, “I like the idea of this being over.”
  • Success doesn’t wrap it’s arms around us because we are favoured, it wraps it’s arms around us because we wrap our our words, our thoughts, our actions around success; we make the first move. We share ideas about success, we read about success, we give thanks for success we’ve had and speak of it freely. We make success a part of who we are. So success embraces us back.


“Life isn’t happening to you, it is responding to you,” as Rhonda Byrnes wrote in The Secret. So (unless you want some bat s**t crazy delivered in a dump truck to your front door) why would you alter your point of attraction and turn your life in the direction of what you don’t want?

I am a powerful creator. You are a powerful creator.

Why create negativity when you want positivity (Terry)?

And I know: Our world makes so damn easy to be reactionary instead of choice-based. But just as you wouldn’t expect a Mac to run on PC software, why would you expect the Universe to respond to a signal that opposes your desire?

An excellent way to train yourself into being choice-driven is to begin practicing first thing in the morning.The morning works so well because it’s the time of day when you’ve got the least amount of built-up resistance going against you, nothing already pulling you hard in the direction you don’t want. You haven’t interacted with any assholes yet, to be fancy about it. During sleep we let go of resistance, so, upon waking, before your husband or your dog or your kids or your wife or all of the above even know you’re up, honour yourself – just you – with a minute – even before you get up to pee – of thoughts like:

I choose to enjoy my life today. I choose to appreciate my body today. I choose to forgive myself for yesterday’s mistakes. I choose to look for things I want more of today. I choose to pick my battles today. I choose to go easy on myself and others today. I choose to say thank you more often today. I choose to wish a better day for people who make me want to go bat s**t crazy today – all of them. I choose to love this brilliant day. I choose to be grateful and appreciative that on this morning, again, I woke up

I’m talking a minute of this. Two if you really want to show off to the Universe. (And those are my words. Do use your own if you prefer.)

At first, being choice-driven may only lasts until you get to work. But as you keep at it you begin to build a new muscle, so that over time “your choice is now” becomes the mantra you feed yourself as you make your way through the diversity of people, ideas, situations we all encounter.

Your choice is now.

In other words: What life is is this moment and how you feel. >Tweetable

This moment.

This moment.

And how you feel.

Your choice is now.

This is how you stay positive. And if not all of the time, 95% of the time.

Next Post: A #ThoughtRevolution about why you should follow your heart instead of your head.

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  • Related: Give Up Being Right
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